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The comedy podcast that sees how movies, and our memories, stand the test of time.

Dec 31, 2020

ISTYA 286 Knight Rider

This week we revisit the classic talking car that we all wanted to befriend in the 80s. 

Join us for Knight Rider

To see the Monkey Lover video we mention in the show, visit the YouTube video -


To contact the show email


Dec 6, 2020

ISTYA Cobra Review

This week we pop a match in our mouths, don some mirrored Ray Bans and black leather gloves, then track down a pack of killers with Sylvester Stallone. 

Join us for Cobra


To contact the show email


You can also support us via Patreon -

Nov 29, 2020

ISTYA Police Academy 284

This week we join forces with Mahoney, Hightower, Tackleberry and others for some law and disorder.

Join us for Police Academy


We've recently launched a Patreon, so fans can now support the show and help keep the lights on at ISTYA towers. 


There are various benefits on offer, and we can assure you that Joe wearing...

Nov 23, 2020

ISTYA 283 American Psycho

This week we enter the hard-nose business world, where Christian Bale is making a killing...or two. 

Join us for American Psycho. 


To contact the show email


You can also support us via Patreon -

Nov 18, 2020

ISTYA Critters

This week we're joined by very special guest Pete Donaldson as he takes us out to his auxiliary barn and shows us the furry balls of terror that reside there. 

Join us for Critters. 

*Warning: Explicit language throughout* 


To contact the show email


You can also support us via Patreon -