Apr 25, 2015
This week we head to the skies with Maverick and Goose. Yes, we're going to...Top Gun!
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Apr 19, 2015
This week we abandon ourselves on a foreign world to find our true selves. Join us for... Enemy Mine.
If you want to contact the show, or simply have a chinwag with the chaps, then please pop by our Facebook page -
or follow us on Twitter @istyashow
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Apr 12, 2015
This week our historgraviewers man the life boats, as the good ship ISTYA tries to survive the murky depths of...The Poseidon Adventure
If you want to contact the show, or simply have a chinwag with the chaps, then please pop by our Facebook page -
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Apr 5, 2015
On a very special show this week we're joined by Geek Radio Daily's Billy Flynn, who brings with him...The Curse of the Pink Panther
If you want to contact the show, or simply have a chinwag with the chaps, then please pop by our Facebook page -
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